Smith CA & Ashby B. Efficient coupling of within- and between-host infectious disease dynamics. arXiv 2312.11592
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Asterisk * = equal contribution
Journal articles: 2021 onwards
Diagnostic testing and the evolution of detection avoidance by pathogens
Wood J & Ashby B (in press) Diagnostic testing and the evolution of detection avoidance by pathogens. Evol. Med. Pub. Health.
read more…Coevolution of age-structured tolerance and virulence
Buckingham LJ & Ashby B (2024) Coevolution of age-structured tolerance and virulence. Bull. Math. Biol. 86:62
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read more…Separation of Evolutionary Timescales in Coevolving Species
Buckingham LJ & Ashby B (2024) Separation of Evolutionary Timescales in Coevolving Species. J. Theor. Biol. 579:111688.
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read more…Hyperparasitism and the evolution of parasite virulence
Wood J & Ashby B (2023) Hyperparasitism and the evolution of parasite virulence. Evolution. 77:2631–2641.
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read more…Tolerance-conferring defensive symbionts and the evolution of parasite virulence
Smith CA & Ashby B (2023) Tolerance-conferring defensive symbionts and the evolution of parasite virulence. Evol. Lett. 4:262-272.
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read more…Non-pharmaceutical interventions and the emergence of pathogen variants
Ashby B, Smith CA & Thompson RN (2023) Non-pharmaceutical interventions and the emergence of pathogen variants. Evol. Med. Pub. Health. 11:80-89.
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read more…Antigenic evolution of SARS-CoV-2 in immunocompromised hosts
Smith CA & Ashby B (2023) Antigenic evolution of SARS-CoV-2 in immunocompromised hosts. Evol Med Pub Health. 11:90-100.
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read more…How do fluctuating ecological dynamics impact the evolution of hosts and parasites?
Best A & Ashby B (2023) How do fluctuating ecological dynamics impact the evolution of hosts and parasites? Phil Trans R Soc B. 378: 20220006.
read more…The evolution of the age of onset of resistance to infectious disease
Buckingham LJ & Ashby B (2023) The evolution of the age of onset of resistance to infectious disease. Bull. Math. Biol. 85:42
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read more…The evolution of age-specific resistance to infectious disease
Buckingham LJ, Bruns EL & Ashby B (2023) The evolution of age-specific resistance to infectious disease. Proc. R. Soc. B. 290:20222000
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read more…Spatially structured eco-evolutionary dynamics in a host-pathogen interaction render isolated populations vulnerable to disease
Höckerstedt L*, Numminen E*, Ashby B*, Boots M, Norberg A & Laine AL (2022) Spatially structured eco-evolutionary dynamics in a host-pathogen interaction render isolated populations vulnerable to disease. Nat Comm. 13:6018
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read more…Critical weaknesses in shielding strategies for COVID-19
Smith CA, Yates CA & Ashby B (2022) Critical weaknesses in shielding strategies for COVID-19. PLOS Glob Public Health 2:e0000298.
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read more…Social information use shapes the coevolution of sociality and virulence
Ashby B & Farine D (2022) Social information use shapes the coevolution of sociality and virulence. Evolution. 76:1153-1169.
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read more…Challenges for modelling interventions for future pandemics
Kretzschmar ME, Ashby B, Fearon E, Overton CE, Panovska-Griffiths J, Pellis L, Quaife M, Rozhnova G, Scarabel F, Stage HB, Swallow B, Thompson RN, Tildesley MJ & Villela D (2022) Challenges for modelling interventions for future pandemics. Epidemics. 38:100546.
read more…Coevolutionary theory of hosts and parasites
Buckingham LJ & Ashby B (2022). Coevolutionary theory of hosts and parasites. J. Evol. Biol. 35:205-224.
read more…Does differential mortality after parental investment affect sex ratio evolution? No.
Pirrie A & Ashby B (2021). Does differential mortality after parental investment affect sex ratio evolution? No. Evolution. 75:3175-3180.
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read more…How do sex biases in demography and disease characteristics affect the spread of sexually transmitted infections?
Halimubieke N*, Pirrie A*, Székely T & Ashby B. How do sex biases in demography and disease characteristics affect the spread of sexually transmitted infections? J. Theor. Biol. 527:110832.
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read more…Evolutionarily stable strategies are well-studied in periodically fluctuating populations
Best A & Ashby B (2021) Evolutionarily stable strategies are well-studied in periodically fluctuating populations. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 118:e2102001118.
Herd immunity
Ashby B & Best A (2021) Herd immunity. Curr. Biol. 31:R174-R177.
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read more…Journal articles: 2016-2020
Measuring Coevolutionary Dynamics in Species-Rich Communities
Hall AR, Ashby B, Bascompte J & King KC (2020) Measuring Coevolutionary Dynamics in Species-Rich Communities. Trends. Ecol. Evol. 35:539-550.
read more…When does parasitism maintain sex in the absence of Red Queen Dynamics?
Ashby B (2020) When does parasitism maintain sex in the absence of Red Queen Dynamics? J. Evol. Biol. 33:1795-1805.
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read more…Key Questions for Modelling COVID-19 Exit Strategies
Thompson RN, Hollingsworth TD, Isham V, Arribas-Bel D, Ashby B, Britton T, Challenor P, Chappell LHK, Clapham H, Cunniffe NJ, Dawid AP, Donnelly CA, Eggo RM, Funk S, Gilbert N, Glendinning P, Gog JR, Hart WS, Heesterbeek H, House T, Keeling M, Kiss IZ, Kretzschmar ME, Lloyd AL, McBryde ES, McCaw JM, McKinley TJ, Miller JC, Morris M, O’Neill PD, Parag KV, Pearson CAB, Pellis L, Pulliam JRC, Ross JV, Scalia Tomba G, Silverman BW, Struchiner CJ, Tildesley MJ, Trapman P, Webb CR, Mollison D & Restif O (2020) Key Questions for Modelling COVID-19 Exit Strategies. Proc. R. Soc. B. 287:20201405.
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read more…An inordinate fondness for species with intermediate dispersal abilities
Ashby B*, Shaw A* & Kokko H (2020) An inordinate fondness for species with intermediate dispersal abilities. Oikos. 129:311-319.
Featured as the Editor’s Choice article for this issue of Oikos.
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read more…Antagonistic coevolution between hosts and sexually transmitted infections
Ashby B (2020) Antagonistic coevolution between hosts and sexually transmitted infections. Evolution. 74: 43-56.
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read more…Transposition: A CRISPR way to get around
Dimitriu T, Ashby B & Westra ER (2019) Transposition: A CRISPR way to get around. Curr. Biol. 29:R886-889.
read more…Understanding the role of eco-evolutionary feedbacks in host-parasite coevolution
Ashby B, Iritani R, Best A, White AR & Boots M (2019) Understanding the role of eco-evolutionary feedbacks in host-parasite coevolution. J. Theor. Biol. 464:115-125.
read more…The evolution of juvenile susceptibility to infectious disease
Ashby B & Bruns E (2018) The evolution of juvenile susceptibility to infectious disease. Proc. R. Soc. B. 285:20180844.
read more…Mutual fitness benefits arise during coevolution in a nematode-defensive microbe model
Rafaluk-Mohr C, Ashby B, Dahan D & King K (2018) Mutual fitness benefits arise during coevolution in a nematode-defensive microbe model. Evol. Lett. 2:246-256.
Read online | PDF | Blog: ‘Guarding Hosts from Parasite Attack – The Rapid Evolution of a Defensive Mutualism’
read more…The effect of extrinsic mortality on genome size evolution in prokaryotes
Bentkowski P, van Oosterhout C, Ashby B & Mock T (2017) The effect of extrinsic mortality on genome size evolution in prokaryotes. ISME. 11:1011-1018.
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read more…Host–parasite fluctuating selection in the absence of specificity
Best A, Ashby B, White A, Bowers R, Buckling A, Koskella B & Boots M (2017) Host–parasite fluctuating selection in the absence of specificity. Proc. R. Soc. B. 284:20171615.
read more…Competing species leave many potential niches unfilled
Ashby B*, Watkins ER*, Lorenço J, Gupta S & Foster KR (2017) Competing species leave many potential niches unfilled. Nature Ecol. Evol. 1:1495-1501.
Read online | PDF | Accompanying commentary | Blog: ‘Finding your niche’ | Interview with DeutschlandFunk
read more…Friendly foes: the evolution of host protection by a parasite
Ashby B & King KC (2017) Friendly foes: the evolution of host protection by a parasite. Evol. Lett. 1:211-221.
Read online | PDF | Blog: ‘Parasites inside your body could be protecting you from disease’
read more…Multi-mode fluctuating selection in host–parasite coevolution
Ashby B & Boots M (2017) Multi-mode fluctuating selection in host–parasite coevolution. Ecology Letters. 20:357-365.
read more…The diversity-generating benefits of a prokaryotic adaptive immune system
van Houte S, Ekroth A, Broniewski JM, Chabas H, Ashby B, Bondy-Denomy J, Gandon S, Boots M, Paterson S, Buckling A & Westra ER (2016) The diversity-generating benefits of a prokaryotic adaptive immune system. Nature. 532:385-388.
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read more…Journal articles: Pre 2016
Coevolution of parasite virulence and host mating strategies
Ashby B & Boots M (2015) Coevolution of parasite virulence and host mating strategies. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 112:13290-13295.
Read online | PDF | Accompanying commentary: ‘When sex makes you sick’ (PDF) | Research highlight (PDF)
read more…Diversity and the maintenance of sex by parasites
Ashby B & King KC (2015) Diversity and the maintenance of sex by parasites. J Evol. Biol. 28:511-520.
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read more…Population mixing promotes arms race host-parasite coevolution
Gómez P, Ashby B & Buckling A (2015) Population mixing promotes arms race host-parasite coevolution. Proc. R. Soc. B. 282:20142297.
read more…Effects of epistasis on infectivity range during host-parasite coevolution
Ashby B, Gupta S & Buckling A (2014) Effects of epistasis on infectivity range during host-parasite coevolution. Evolution. 68:2972-2982.
read more…Parasitic castration promotes coevolutionary cycling but also imposes a cost on sex
Ashby B & Gupta S (2014) Parasitic castration promotes coevolutionary cycling but also imposes a cost on sex. Evolution. 68:2234-2244.
read more…Spatial structure mitigates fitness costs in host-parasite coevolution
Ashby B, Gupta S & Buckling A (2014) Spatial structure mitigates fitness costs in host-parasite coevolution. Am. Nat. 183: E64-E74.
Read online | PDF | Featured in Evolutionary Applications (PDF)
read more…Pathogen selection drives nonoverlapping associations between HLA loci
Penman BS, Ashby B, Buckee CO & Gupta S (2013) Pathogen selection drives nonoverlapping associations between HLA loci. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 110:19645-19650.
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read more…Sexually transmitted infections in polygamous mating systems
Ashby B & Gupta S (2013) Sexually transmitted infections in polygamous mating systems. Philos. Trans. R. Soc. B. 368:20120048.
read more…Exploring children’s attitudes towards mathematics
Ashby B (2009) Exploring children’s attitudes towards mathematics. Proc. Brit. Soc. Res. Learn. Math. 29:7-12.
read more…Book chapters
Parasite-mediated sexual selection: to mate or not to mate?
Pirrie A., Chapman H. & Ashby B (2022) ‘Parasite-mediated sexual selection: to mate or not to mate?’ in Ezenwa V.O., Altizer, S. & Hall R. (ed.) Animal Behavior and Parasitism. Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford, UK. pp. 151-168
read more…Sexually transmitted infections in natural populations: what have we learnt from beetles and beyond?
Ashby B, Jones J, Knell RJ & Hurst GDD (2019) ‘Sexually transmitted infections in natural populations: what have we learnt from beetles and beyond?’ in Wilson K, Fenton A, & Tompkins D. (ed.) Wildlife Disease Ecology: Linking Theory to data and application. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, UK. pp. 187-222.
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read more…Graduate theses
The effects of contact patterns and genetic specificity on host and parasite evolution
Ashby B (2014) The effects of contact patterns and genetic specificity on host and parasite evolution.
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